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Marko Sarstedt, Monika Imschloss & Susanne Adler, Multisensory Design of Retail Environments - Vision, Sound, and Scent, Springer, 2024
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Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series (CEBSS) - Ediția de iarnă - Invitat: Marko SARSTEDT

Autor: Gabriela Maria Brendea

13 Martie 2025, 14:00

Locatie: Sala 118, Campus FSEGA

În data de 13 martie 2025, de la ora 14:00, Marko Sarstedt, de la Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, va susține o prezentare în cadrul ediției de iarnă a Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series (CEBSS).

Titlul prezentării: Uncertainty in researchers’ application of SEM estimators

Abstract: Scientific research demands robust findings, yet variability in results persists due to researchers' decisions in data analysis. Despite strict adherence to state-of-the-art methodological norms, research results can vary when analyzing the same data. This study aims to explore this variability by examining the impact of researchers’ analytical decisions when using different approaches to structural equation modeling (SEM), a widely used method in business research to estimate cause-effect relationships between constructs and their indicator variables. For this purpose, we invited SEM experts to estimate a model on absorptive capacity's impact on organizational innovation and performance using different SEM estimators. The results show considerable variability in effect sizes and significance levels, depending on the researchers' analytical choices. The results underscore the necessity of transparent analytical decisions, urging researchers to acknowledge their results' uncertainty, to implement robustness checks, and to document the results from different analytical workflows. based on the findings, the presentation offers recommendations and guidelines on how to address results variability.

CEBSS, inițiat și coordonat de către prof.univ.dr. Cristian Litan din anul 2012, reprezintă un forum pentru dezbaterea și difuzarea rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice. Seria de seminare contribuie în mod semnificativ și distinctiv la creșterea valorii adăugate științifice, având un impact relevant asupra cunoștințelor, educației și practicilor din domeniul economiei și al afacerilor.

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