Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series - Sesiunea de primăvară 2023 - Invitat: David MAMMANO
Ovidiu Ioan Moisescu
11 Mai 2023 -
11 Mai 2023
În 11 mai 2023, de la ora 14:00, David MAMMANO, de la Rochester University, va susține o prezentare în cadrul sesiunii de primăvară a Cluj Economics and Business Seminar Series (CEBSS).
Titlul prezentării: Putting Funny Back in Business
Evenimentul se va desfășura în format hibrid online (în sala 118, respectiv prin platforma Zoom).
Abstract: Have you ever wished you could infuse humor into your workplace and increase the quality of your connections, sales, workplace culture, leadership and more? Many in the business world avoid humor and keep conversations to strictly business. This can lead to stiff, boring interactions that lack real emotional connection and growth. In business, professional humor is a game changer. Smiling and laughing together makes it easier to build trust and win others over. Research from The Harvard Business Review, Mayo Clinic and Gallop Poll proves that humor can be a learnable skill for business professionals. If you can listen and pay attention to details, you can use professional humor to your advantage. The presentation will underline how you can professionally infuse humor into the workplace and increase sales, marketing, leadership, workplace engagement and so much more. In this lecture, the author will highlight: The psychology of humor; Why humor matters and how it connects us; How to think fast on your feet and make relatable moments funny When to leverage humor in business; The Four Humor Style Types and how to embrace your style; The framework to create your personal story laced with humor
CEBSS, inițiat și coordonat de către conf.univ.dr. Cristian Litan, reprezintă un forum pentru dezbaterea și difuzarea rezultatelor cercetărilor științifice. Seria de seminare contribuie în mod semnificativ și distinctiv la creșterea valorii adăugate științifice, având un impact relevant asupra cunoștințelor, educației și practicilor din domeniul economiei și al afacerilor.
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